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Лексико-грамматический КВН для 7 класса по английскому языку
Лексико-грамматический КВН для 7 класса
по английскому языку

Лотарева М.В., учитель английского языка, СОШ №85 г. Караганды

Цель: тренировать фонетические, лексические и грамматические навыки.

Образовательная – совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи по теме «Animals in our life».
Развивающая – развивать речевые способности, психические функции, связанных с речевой деятельностью, развивать навыки общения, умение работать в группе.
Воспитательная – воспитывать чувство любви к животным, культуру поведения в условиях соревнования; повышать мотивацию изучения английского языка.

Оборудование: картинки с изображением животных, карточки с заданиями, коллаж в виде карты с изображением животных, таблички с названиями команд, цифры для жюри, лозунги: “Every 10 minutes one kind of animal disappears!”. “We must protect the animals!” “We must save our world!”
Teacher: Good morning our guests, teachers and pupils. Today we shall play The Club of cheerful and resourceful and we are going to speak about animals, their colors, size, characteristics and habitat because the theme of our club is “Animals in our life”.
Our planet is home to a varied collection of animals. They live everywhere: in the mountains and in the seas, on the valleys and in the deserts. But during earth long history evolution has produced many new kinds of animals, and, at the same time many species have become extinct. Such animals as the tiger, the whale, black rhino and giant panda are endangered. Soon we shall see them only in zoos.
So let’s start our club. I wish you success. Now let me introduce our jury. These are ________________________________. Dear jury, on your table you can see figures from 1 to 5. You will put marks to our teams for each task.
– So we have two teams. Each team has got 6 members in it. And you have a captain. Now you introduce the team’s name. We must know who will be the first. Let’s fate a lot. Captains, please come to me and chose any picture.

1. The first competition is Greeting (teams should say the name, the motto, make and show the emblem of the team)

We are tigers
Our coat is smooth and nice,
It is of yellow color
With pretty narrow stripes.
We are Australian animals
We like green leaves
We know all answers
And must win!

2. Warm-up “Say a tongue-twister quickly”.
Pat’s black cat is in Pat’s black hat.
A girl sees six big grey geese.

3. Homework “Protect the presentation about any animal”. You will get points for useful information about animal.

4. Competition for teams “Find the second phrase in other team”. I need 3 pupils from each team.
I’d like some crocodile shoes, please.
(Certainly, madam. What size does your crocodile take?)
Why do birds fly south?
(Because it’s too far to walk.)
Why does a cat look first on one side and then on the other when it enters a room?
(Because it can look on both sides at the same time.)
During the pause the poem “I like dogs”.
I like dogs,
All dogs,
Big dogs,
And small dogs.
Black dogs,
And white dogs,
But I like best
As you can see,
The dog who
Likes to play with me.

Musical pause.

5. You must know how long do animals live? “Guess the age of animals”
Rabbits live 5 years
Cats live 13 years
Dogs live 15 years
Cows live 25 years
Horses live 30 years
Camels live 40 years

6. And now Competition for the captains “Plural of nouns”.
a map-maps
a leg-legs
a tooth-teeth
a potato-potatoes
a photo-photos
an ox-oxen
a sheep-sheep
a swine-swine
And for teams “Guess the riddles about animals”.

1. It has got a big mouth.
It has got sharp teeth.
It has got small eyes.
It can swim very well.
It can run very fast.
What animal is it? (a crocodile)

I have a bushy tail.
I am grey. I am red.
I like nuts. Who am I? (a squirrel)

This animal is small.
It lives at home.
It runs very fast.
It is afraid of everything.
What animal is it? (a rabbit)

2. I am grey. I am very big.
I live in the jungle.
You can see me at the zoo, too!
You can see me at the circus.
I have a long trunk. (an elephant)

It is a wild animal
It likes bananas. (a monkey)

It is a domestic animal.
It has got long ears and short tail.
It has got own house, where it sleeps.
It eats a special food.
It is a clever animal (a dog)

7. And the last competition is Interview from each team about”Popular animals in 7th forms”. Now look at the blackboard.
For example, only in Britain 7.400 000 dogs live with people.

Reflexion: You are wonderful pupils. It’s very good that you know so much about animals, that you have got pets at home and take care of them. None of us must ever forget that animals and birds are our friends!

Let’s listen the results of all competitions and have known who will be the first. The word of our jury. Reward___________________________________.
Next year will be the year of white rabbit. I think this year will be very happy and successful. Thank you!
Мы язык английский учим,
Ведь для нас он самый лучший!
И, когда его освоим,
Мир далеких стран откроем.

Алфавит мы изучили,
Читать книжки научились,
Путешествовать свободно
Можем мы куда угодно.

Язык английский изучать
Совет всем вам, друзья.
И много знаний получать
Вы будете всегда!

Категория: Педагогическая копилка | Добавил: krasotkaq (2011-02-13) | Автор: Лотарева Марина Валерьевна
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